Gonarthrosis, or osteoarthritis of the knee joint, is a very common disease. Such a diagnosis is most often made in people of the older age group, but arthrosis "begins" much earlier, even at the age of 35-40 years. Gonarthrosis with severe symptoms significantly disrupts the entire lifestyle, so it is important to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the knee joints and to receive timely treatment.
Causes of osteoarthritis
We can say that arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease, on the one hand, due to lifestyle, on the other hand, due to age.
The immediate (internal) causes of osteoarthritis are:
- past injuries to the joint area (sports, household and other),
- inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis),
- metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus),
- common orthopedic defects of the lower extremities, including flat feet and pes valgus, X-shaped leg deformity; these defects violate the correct movements of the knee joints, leading to their deformation and degeneration of the articular tissues.
Factors (external, individual) provoking arthrosis:
- overweight, obesity,
- feminine,
- years,
- constant heavy loads (standing work, monotonous movements of the joints with weights during the working day).
Under the influence of external and internal factors, the degeneration and aging of the knee joint begins, all its structures are involved in the process: bones, cartilage, synovial membrane, joint capsule, ligaments.
Osteoarthritis symptoms
Manifestations of the knee joints are directly related to the stage of arthrosis. The more pathological changes in the joint and adjacent tissues, the more pronounced the symptoms.
- In the initial stages, a person may be disturbed by discomfort, slight pain after physical activity, and pass on their own.
- As time passes (from 1 year to several years), the pain intensifies, becomes permanent, joint movements are limited, a characteristic "crunch", "crunch" appears when moving.
- In the final stage of gonarthrosis, movements are severely limited, the joint is visually deformed, it is difficult to walk, and serious complications can develop up to complete immobility ("joint mice", joint fusion, etc. ).
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee joints.
Arthrosis of the knee joint is detected using the available diagnostic methods:
- Ultrasound of the knee joint allows you to assess the condition of the cartilage and bone surface of the joint, the surrounding soft tissues; it is of particular importance in the early stages of arthrosis, as it helps to identify pathological changes even before the appearance of severe symptoms;
- radiography is also one of the main diagnostic methods, but it is not always available, moreover, it is associated with radiation exposure of the body;
- to clarify the diagnosis or identify the features of the course of the disease, MRI, CT and arthroscopy are also used.
Treatment of gonarthrosis
In arthrosis of the knee joint, various methods of exposure are used:
- pharmacological treatment, including intra-articular administration of drugs,
- traction (unloading) therapy,
- physiotherapy, classical and innovative methods,
- physiotherapy and massage,
- manual therapy,
- autoplasma therapy (PRP therapy).
The combination of these methods, selected by the doctor, can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, stop inflammation and degeneration of the joint, maintain its mobility and range of motion.
The initial stages of osteoarthritis.
In the initial stages of the disease, drugs with an analgesic and restorative effect (NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, vitamins) are used, prescribed by a doctor. In addition, a variety of orthopedic devices are used: insoles, shoe inserts, special shoes). Physiotherapy, manual massage, physiotherapy exercises give a good effect.
A noticeable effect of treatment does not occur immediately, but if the doctor's recommendations are followed, the condition improves.
progressive osteoarthritis
More serious measures are required here, in these cases the doctor may resort to minimally invasive interventions: arthroscopy, the introduction of enriched plasma into the joint (PRP therapy).
In severe forms of arthrosis, severe pain, with concomitant synovitis (accumulation of excess intra-articular fluid), corticosteroids are injected into the joint, which leads to rapid pain relief. The method is considered one of the most effective, and if the intervention is performed correctly, there are no complications (rarely it is possible to increase pain as a reaction to the drug, a negative effect on cartilage, and some others).
Among the surgical methods that preserve the functionality and range of motion of the joint, arthroplasty, arthroscopy and endoprosthesis operations deserve attention.
Treatment of knee osteoarthritis in a professional clinic.
In a modern and professional clinic, experienced surgeons and arthrologists make appointments. The clinic uses an individual approach to each patient, makes accurate diagnoses using expert-class equipment (ultrasound), selects the optimal combination of treatment methods, taking into account the stage of arthrosis and the main symptoms, and prescribes medications in time to reduce painful manifestations.
Arthrosis of the knee joint is rightly considered an age-related disease, but its development can be prevented or slowed down if the condition of the joints is assessed in time and therapy (for preventive or therapeutic purposes) is carried out ).
The professional clinic provides physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, darsonval, massage, acupuncture) and minimally invasive interventions (arthroscopy, intra-articular injections) that improve the condition of the joints, courses of supporting drugs are prescribed to help consolidate and prolong the effect of the main therapy, prevent exacerbation.